The Women’s Circle at Kilmarnock United Methodist Church is a group of women who are Christ-centered and mission oriented. 

Our mission statement reads:  The Women’s Circle of KUMC is a caring community of women who desire to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ.  We recognize that we are stronger together, that our strength is God-given and that we will use that strength to be in mission to others.  We seek to help women build friendships, to encourage them in spiritual growth, and to reach out to our community and beyond with the love of Jesus Christ.

We seek to provide opportunities for significant and deepening relationships with each other and with our community as well as to be challenged and guided into a deeper walk with Christ.  This is accomplished through our monthly programs (first Tuesday of each month at 10:00 am) and a variety of local mission projects as well as some projects outside the community. 

Contact us to learn more! Call our office at (804) 435-1797 or click here to send an email.